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General Packing Tips
With moving always comes packing. It's almost hard to believe you have so many things. Will you be finished on time? Do not despair, here are a couple of tips to help you pack safely and quickly.

Start by making a plan.

Put down all the stages of the packing process. If you haven't done it before, this probably won't be the final draft, but it will help in establishing and keeping track of everything you have to do. The plan is truly essential, you will be able to keep focused and finish on time.

And get help from friends and family. An extra pair of hands is always useful.

The next step is to gather all the packing supplies you will need. It's best to err on the safe side, rather than stop in the middle of work because you've run out of tape. Most probably, you will need these items: boxes, tape, scissors or box cutters, trash bags, markers, and packing materials (newspaper, bubble wraps, peanuts, paper plates). Your fragile items can be packed using your towels, blankets and sheets.

Packing also happens to be an excellent time to de-clutter your house. As you go through each room, sort your things into three piles: "For packing", "For donating/Selling" and finally "Trash". There are several reasons you should do this. First of all, it will be much easier come actual moving time. There will be fewer boxes and you will save money with the moving company. Also, if you're selling your home, you might be able to get a better price, because a de-cluttered home is more attractive for buyers.

It's best to pack boxes containing items assigned by their place in your new home. Use the markers to label them clearly. The moving crew will then put the boxes into the corresponding rooms and you will have a much easier time unpacking.

Heavy items go into small boxes and light items into large one. This will make the boxes easier to carry.

Here's a handy tip: prepare a special box for essential items that you will need as soon as you move. Possible contents could be: soap, paper and bath towels, toilet paper, tape, coffee or tea and mugs, a few dishes and flatware for eating (plastic would be a good choice), dish-washing and laundry detergent, scissors, pens and paper, a flashlight, toiletries such as toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as some emergency medicine such as aspirin. Don't forget your kids favorite toy.

And lastly, if an item is irreplaceable, then take it with you in the car.

Packing musts

Ignoring these packing musts, you risk running into serious financial and legal trouble.

Toxic or flammable items cannot be moved. It's illegal to do so, not to mention dangerous. If your family or neighbors do not want them, you need to contact the local bureaus that deal with disposing of dangerous materials (recycling center, fire department). These items include: oil, gas, paint, solvents and others.

If you move away from the area, you should close or transfer your bank accounts and safety deposit box contents.

Any other local services: phone, cable, utilities, people that maintain your property (gardeners, pool maintenance) to cancel their services and get new ones at the future residence.

Pack important items in a special box: birth certificates, family medical records, stocks and bonds, and other important and irreplaceable things. You will keep with you this box during the move,

Pets and plants cannot be transported as inanimate items can, so arrange special transportation for them.

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